A guide to Git branching

Kedar Vijay Kulkarni (Red Hat)

Next, run the following commands: git status git checkout -b myBranch git status The first command, git status reports you are currently on branch master , and (as you can see in the terminal screenshot below) it is up to date with origin/master , which means all the files you have on your local copy of the branch master are also present on GitHub. Since you just created myBranch , it is on the same commit as master and the remote counterpart of master , namely remotes/origin/master . git add newFile git commit -m Adding newFile to myBranch git push origin myBranch In these commands, the branch in the push command is myBranch instead of master . Git is taking newFile , pushing it to your Demo repository in GitHub, and telling you it’s created a new branch on GitHub that is identical to your local copy of myBranch . Delete the local copy of your branch: Since you can’t delete a branch you’re on, switch to the master branch (or another one you plan to keep) by running the commands shown in the terminal image below: git branch lists the available branches; checkout changes to the master branch and git branch -D myBranch removes that branch.

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