How to Run Commands from Standard Input Using Tee and Xargs in Linux

Aaron Kili

Read Also: Learn The Basics of How Linux I/O (Input/Output) Redirection Works Two of the most important command line utilities that can be used with pipelines to build command lines are: xargs – reads streams of data from standard input, then generates and executes command lines. In this simple article, we will describe how to build and execute multiple commands from standard input using pipes, tee and xargs commands in Linux. You can find other practical xargs command usage examples in these articles: How to Use Tee with Commands in Linux This example shows how to send command output to standard output and save to a file; the command below allows you to view top running processes by highest memory and CPU usage in Linux. $ ps -eo cmd,pid,ppid,%mem,%cpu –sort=-%mem head tee -a topprocs.txt You can find more information in tee and xargs man pages. In this article, we described how to generate command lines using pipelines; xargs and tee commands.

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